Neils’ 2007 Supercharged NC MX5 develops 50% more power than the standard Mazda 2.0 ltr engine. Great for getting to the next traffic light a little quicker but sadly the Australian authorities aren’t as enthusiastic. Particularly when it comes to registration and insurance. The challenge for Neil was to make his MX5 legal by complying with a number of emissions and ADR (Australian Design Rules) standards. A feat rarely achieved in Australia.
Phase 1: Emissions Testing – IM240
In late September we conducted an emissions test @ Penrith RTA knowing that the IM240 standards where fairly stringent. The tuning of the engine was critical and we turned to Jay @ TDR-MX5Tuning for assistance. Jay worked with Neil to data-log, collate, analyse and ultimately custom design an ECU tune that would maintain maximum power but also subscribe to the emissions standards.
Whilst we where confident of the result we where pleasantly surprised when our results comfortably surpassed the emissions standard.
Phase 2: Brake Testing – ADR31
A series of stops, in quick succession, from highway speeds – tested – assessed and reported. PASSED…Simple!
Phase 3 & 4: Weight and Power
Neil’s MX5 had to be weighed and then Dyno’d before the data was submitted to an engineer for reporting and final submission.
Neil received his Engineering Certificate in late November, less than 6 weeks after we embarked on this amazing endeavour. We’re very proud of this achievement especially as Neils’ Supercharged MX5 is possibly the only NC model to be awarded this level of compliance. More details can be found on Neil’s blog Congratulations Neil and thanks to Jay @ TDR